Einführung in die PDL
Dieser Einführungsworkshop wendet sich an SprachtrainerInnen, die einen konkrete Vorstellung der PDL haben möchten.
We offer workshops in various countries. The workshops are described in the language they are held in.
On request, we also offer on-site workshops on various themes related to foreign language training.
Becoming a PDL Trainer
Once a year we offer a PDL Training course in Germany in which the practical and theoretical foundations to apply the PDL method are taught.
This basic training takes place on six weekends over a six month period.
Here you can find information on the 28th Training course taking place in Mainz from January to June 2019. The common language of the course will be German.
We can, however, offer such a training course in French, German, or English in other countries provided the organisation is taken care of.
Writing phase of the creation of a fairy tale